ACT For Unity

The purpose of the organization ACT for Unity is to raise funds in support of a broad coalition of reparations organizations that are dedicated to creating a comprehensive, unified reparations demand, holding a plebiscite and advancing self-determination.
Why is Unity challenging? The greatest single crime of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, one that was suffered by every captive individual, was the intentional destruction of the language, culture, spiritual beliefs, and family legacy – the connection of human beings with each other through a shared identity. This is theft of unity, recognized by the UN as the crime of ethnocide.
Among the many horrors of trans-generational enslavement is the forced transition of human to slave. After more than 400 years we have seen many efforts of the descendants to self-identify. Now we are seeing a number of reparations organizations working to establish communication, discuss the damages, engage a plebiscite, and bring many ideas into one comprehensive demand.
ACT for Unity has been organized to encourage and support these efforts by seeking donations to a bank account established for this single purpose – the Unity Fund. Click the TRANSPARENCY link for information on the bank account, the distribution of your contribution and our commitment to transparency in our operations.